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Interior Colour Trends Forecast 2022+ A New Beginning

In Blog, Colour Trend by Phuay Ching


A color trend is a direction. It’s a developing awareness or an emerging preference for a color or several colors. The Colour trend in understanding the phycology of people at a given time. Our color preferences are both static and evolutionary. However, they are not fully decided by ourselves. Instead, they are influenced by a mix of external drivers that reinforce certain color areas more than others.

The year 2022 Colour Trend Forecast- A New Beginning

We look forward to a post-pandemic world. Forward to the year 2022, our mindset, behavior, and mood will largely be a consequence of what we have been through during these exhausting and uncertain times.”

 The NCS color trend forecast team has identified four main directions that drive the colors into certain areas. These four directions are named Zience, One, Spring Rebels, and Zero.

ZIENCE – Meditating About Life

The pandemic has made us reflect on things, more than we perhaps are used to. The time spent at home has given us time to think over both personal and spiritual matters. We embrace the present moment and wish to direct our focus to everything real. We listen first and foremost to our inner self and the truth revealed by science or the universe.

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ONE – Returning to the Nature

For the first time, many of us, seek comfort in being outdoors and spending time in nature. We see and understand that nature is a living being and feel like we are one with nature.

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SPRING REBELS – Expressions of Joy

A new world is beginning. After a long period of fake truths, isolation, fears, and uncertainties, we finally open our doors to a new world of freedom, comfort, truths, and the possibility of physically meeting others. Perhaps the world is not ready yet. But we want it to be ready. It needs to be about happiness and joy.

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ZERO – A Brand-new Start

We are at the beginning of a new and better world. We reset our minds and start over again; this time more consciously and positively for our planet. The beginning is neutral, with the first steps into a color direction – we begin from zero.

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About NCS Colour System
NCS is a company based in Stockholm (Sweden) that works on developing color cards (a bit like Pantone). The NCS System is currently the national colour standard in Norway, Spain, South Africa, and Sweden. Used as a cross-industrial colour language and has an international presence in over 80 countries. Following the NCS System launch in 1979, NCS quickly became the preferred colour reference for architects, designers and the industry globally.

Content & images credits: Pinterest & NCS Colour