A color trend is a direction. It’s a developing awareness or an emerging preference for a color or several colors. The Colour trend in understanding the phycology of people at a given time. Our …
Discover the Colours that Invigorate Your Souls
In uncertain times, our homes become even more important. We want to feel safe and protected, and with colors, we can create the nourishing atmosphere we need. Our needs can vary from day to day, …
Historic Roots of Wainscoting & Modern Application
Wainscoting meaning “panels lining the walls of rooms” is from the 1570s. Before central heating existed, panelling the lower half of the wall was a stylish and stealthy way to insulate a room. Traditionally, …
Arches In Interior Architecture
Arches have been an enduring structural form of traditional, Gothic, and Renaissance architecture since the Romans brought them to prominence some 2000 years ago. The arch is one of the oldest structural elements of traditional …